Unit 2 Exercise 12
Exercise 12: Multiple Frequencies
To become familiar with using Negative Frequencies and Multiple Frequencies.
Create a new Schedule called Multiple and Negative Frequencies that runs Monday-Friday. In this schedule, you will have 2 jobs. One will have multiple frequencies where each frequency has its own Start Offset, and the other job will have a Negative frequency.
- In Studio, select the Add
- In the Name field, enter
Multiple and Negative Frequencies
. - In the Schedule Start Time and Work Days, select Monday - Friday.
- Click Save.
- Close Studio.
Create the Multiple Frequency Job
- In Library > Administration, select Master Job.
- Select Add.
- In the Schedule field, select Multiple and Negative Frequencies.
- In the Name field, enter
Multiple Frequencies
. - In the Job Type drop-down, select Null Job.
- Click the Save button.
- Click the Lock button to enter Admin Mode.
- Expand the Frequency section, if not already expanded.
- Click the Add button.
- In the Frequency Manager Wizard:
- In the Name field, enter
. - In the When to Schedule drop-down menu, select On Day.
- In the On X days of week, enter
. - In the Day Type field, select On 15th day.
- In the A/O/B/N section, select Before Date.
- Click the Save button.
- Click the Lock button to enter Admin Mode.
- In the Active column, select the frequency you just created.
- Scroll down to the Start Offset field, enter
. - Click Save.
- Repeat Steps 15-19, to add a Frequency for the last business day of the month that will have a Start Offset of
. - Click Back in the top right corner.
Create the Negative Frequency Job
- Select Add.
- In the Schedule field, select Multiple and Negative Frequencies.
- In the Name field, enter
Negative Frequencies
. - In the Job Type drop-down, select Null Job.
- Click the Save button.
- Click the Lock button to enter Admin Mode.
- Expand the Frequency section, if not already expanded.
- In the Inactive column, select the EOM-B frequency.
- Using the < button, move it into the Active column.
- In the Active column, select the frequency you just created.
- Scroll down to the Job Build Status field, select Do Not Schedule from the drop-down.
- Click Save.
- Click the Lock button to enter Admin Mode.
- In the Frequency section, click ADD
- In the Frequency Manager Wizard:
- In the Name field, enter
. - In the When to Schedule drop-down menu, select All Weeks.
- In the Days of the Week, select Monday-Friday.
- In the A/O/B/N section, select Not Schedule.
- Click the Save button.
- Close Library.
Build the Schedule for today and the End of the Month
- In Operations, select Schedule Build.
- In the From field select the 15th or the working day before if the 15th is a non-working day or holiday.
- In the To field select select the same date as you did for From.
- Select the Released radio button in the Schedule Build section.
- In the Schedule Selection section, select Multiple and Negative Frequencies.
- Click the Build button.
- Click the link for the Multiple and Negative Frequencies schedule for any date you just built out.
You should see that both jobs get built and that the Start Time of the Multiple Frequency job is 8:00 PM.
- Repeat Steps 37-43 to build the schedule for the last working day of the month.
You should see only one job on the last working day of the month, the Multiple Freq job, and it should have a Start Time of 6:00 PM.
Enterprise Manager
- Multiple Frequencies
- Create a new Schedule.
- Add a Null Job and setup Frequencies allowing a Job to run on the 15th of the month (working day before) and the last business day of the month.
- Schedule - 5 Day Work Week
- The Job runs at
when it is not the last day of the month and18:00
when it is the last business day of the month.
- Use the Forecast All Button to view both Frequencies.
- The first listed will be Green and the second will be Yellow.
- Negative Frequencies
In a new Null Job (same Schedule), set up Frequencies allowing the Job to run every day of the month, Monday through Friday, unless it is a Holiday or the last Day of the Month.
Use the Forecast All Button to view both Frequencies.
noteThe Negative Frequency will appear purple